This service is suited to those that want to find out the status of their current health and wellness. You will be sent a series of questionnaires specifically designed by industry experts to cover the fundamental pillars of health and wellness.
It’s just £59!
What is a healthy lifestyle and why is it important?
Lifestyle covers health aspects such as sleep, nutrition, eating patterns, stress, gut health and general symptoms that you regularly experience.
We are amazing complex beings and each part of our body is intrinsically linked together. Think of the body as a chain of independently linked organs and systems and each one depends on the other for overall health and a complete feeling of well-being. As with any chain, the body systems are only as strong as the weakest link so if one key system is underperforming, it is likely that it will be having an effect on another.
How it works…
This service starts with a zoom consultation to discuss your current situation. From there you will be sent a series of online questionnaires specifically designed by industry experts You will complete these questions securely online and I then formulate your results before a second Zoom Consultation with you to deliver your results and answer any questions you may have. You will also receive an email confirming the results along with basic recommendations as to how to improve the areas needing attention.
Further support going forward is available and can be priced if required.
It’s just £59!
Please note:
It is important to understand that this assessment is not based on clinical health tests and should only be used as a guide to focus on areas that require your attention. General wellness can be addressed with lifestyle changes and coaching to ensure that you reach these goals and improve the areas that require priority.
If you have any health concerns then always consult your GP in the first instance who will be able to investigate further.